mw2 wapah
2010-01-18 12:42:50
i played cod6 mw2 live on both the xbox and ps3 and didnt see any difference in how challengin the people are. i still managed to kill everyone with out a problem :P
2010-01-15 15:38:08
lol. thats good
im so bast
2010-01-14 16:12:50
i got a 33% in economics class. i think im gonna fail becuzzzzzzzzz:
midterms are next week
i have 10 or 11 missin assignments. i have to turn them all in tommorow. i havent started any, and all of them are 8-13 page packets
i have to turn in a midterm essay tommorow and i havent even started...i had a whole month to do it
i dont know shit in the class...i dont pay attention
@ soup again
2010-01-11 17:50:48
ehh sorta i guess
from wat i read its mgs 4 only now u get to play as raiden and kinda follow his take on mgs4
2010-01-11 17:49:33
i have to agree with some extent. the fact that you "love" editin never gives u the right to spaz out.
first off...if ur gettin pissed/angry/furiated/etc. ur gettin worked up over some OPINION. sometimes opinions might not necessarily go in favor of ur video...but isnt that the whole point of givin opinions? seein who likes ur video and who doesnt? if u loved ur video that much and didnt want someone to say something "harsh" about it...u probably shouldnt have uploaded the video in the first place...i mean if u really love editin u shouldnt really care about wat others say becuz its ur HOBBY correct? idk...maybe?
these next parts r probably gonna get some people to rage me lol
Code; y so self-contradicting? how can u claim someone else is serious while u are the one typin up some huge essay on how someone else is serious? that doesnt make sense o_O. i mean its one thing to give opinions on someones AMV but to go as far as criticizing someones personality and how they treat others is a completely different story. last time i checked the opinion function allowed u to rate and comment/criticize AMVS ONLY. i think?
LittleAtari; if u claim to not be so serious...why the hell do u care if someone else "talks shit" about u on the internet? it only goes to show that u r rather sensitive when it comes to PEOPLE U DONT EVEN KNOW sayin things about u. just go about ur business and dont worry about the stupid things that people say (and yes...wat im sayin might just be one of those things). but im not sure
no ragin plz
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