JOURNAL: micktam12 (Michael )

  • 2009-07-09 01:19:53 $2 for 20 min on internet, what a rip lol

    so anyway, im at the gold coast now in queensland, and it is really good so far,

    the things on the todo list is the following

    beach XD
    site seeing???

    lol so yeah update next time.

    P.S: i never knew waking up with the window open, with the sun lighting up the room, making a nice warm blanket over your body, while listening to the waves crashing in to thousands of little peaces, skattering in the the beach, is so relaxing XD. while waking up.

  • holiday 2009-07-07 08:37:22 Well im leaving 2morror at 7 to go to the airport.

    I will be gone for 10 days (good news for hacchin,mirk) XD
    Hopfully i will get some rids covered, go on some rollacoasters, take pics, and do some site seeing.

    My dad might bring his laptop, i might doa entry about it, tho it will take 2 min to load each page :(.

    Oh well cya in 10 days XD 
  • 2009-07-07 02:37:48 watching soul eater, funny and bloody XD.

    645 hits 0.0 getting there XD 
  • lol 2009-07-06 02:23:36 <Niotex> Shut the fuck up.
    <Hacchin_Edits> um.... reason?
    <ngsilver> is reason really needed?
    <ngsilver> this is #amv
    <Niotex> Because I dont want to read your fucking garbage
    <Hacchin_Edits> then put me on ignore. I'm sure you are capable of such a simple task
    <Hacchin_Edits> or don't read it
    <Niotex> Its a little hard to not read it when you're spamming up the channel at every turn
    <Niotex> Annoying the living crap out of everyone here
    <Hacchin_Edits> I'm pretty sure that right now, the only one I'm annoying is you.
    <Niotex> Nah
    <Kit> I suck at everything except checkers
    <Kit> king me dawg
    <Hacchin_Edits> I suck at checkers so yeah
    <Niotex> Why can't you take a fucking hint? I mean really?
    <Kit> THere's a narrow cold front sweeping through chicago
    <Kit> dress appropriately
    <Hacchin_Edits> Nio: There is no chance that I will stop talking in this channel altogether, so stop trying. But I shall honour your request to "tone it down".
    <Niotex> I dont want you to tone it down
    <Niotex> I want you to get the fuck out
    <Hacchin_Edits> Exactly which won't happen.
    <Hacchin_Edits> So stop trying
    <Niotex> Really now?
    <panky> gotta love #AMV
    <Niotex> You an annoying little twat is telling me what to do?
    <Hacchin_Edits> Yes.
    <Niotex> Get real nobody giving a shit about you. If we weren't so nice to stick by our own rules you would've been long gone as is.
    <Niotex> So again I'll ask you politely to gtfo and stop making everyone in here miserable =| 
  • Hacchin 2009-07-05 22:48:43 calm down. XD 
Current server time: Dec 25, 2024 21:57:13