JOURNAL: [Mike of the Desert] (Michele Poggi)

  • I should.. I would! Had over a milion posts here! 2009-01-09 14:02:34 Ok, my hatred for my connection is Raising, Raising and Raising up, over and over. I see a lot of Threads, sections, people around here that I'd love to Meet, Love to Discuss with, no mentioning the fact that without a good connection for me it's extremely difficult to Edit good videos. I miss footage, I miss codecs, and by my side I only miss Time. I have projects all along.. And I still didn't done anything about DoL 4.

    I do have at least some good friends that lend to me the episodes of the Anime I follow, like Bleach and Soul Eater. <- 
  • Connection.. Connection, Connection. 2009-01-09 13:52:25 Uff.. I have so many projects in mind. So many that the Otaku inside me is exploding. |: I lived all my life with hobbies and passions that take life from the Internet.. Without having it. Trough an Internet Point what in the Hell can I do?

    Holy Shit, I can't wait to change my fucking home and so my LIFE. 
  • Maka (and Tsubaki, heh) Devoted - SnM 2009 2009-01-01 11:57:31 The New, 2009's Avatar in Online! 
  • Holy SHIT. 2008-12-24 12:27:12 I - DO- WANT TO EDIT! 
  • I couldn't resist. 2008-12-24 11:52:11 My 2008's avatar never satisfied me, so well.. In those days where we all are approaching to the 2009, I fixed it, making a new one. Soon or later, the 2009 will come.. But this time maybe the original maker will make ''his'' return, somehow.

    Luckly I won't ever talk about my private life here, because it's quite sad. ;
    I'm been.. Nah, never mind.

    Merry Christmas, .Org. =)
    Thanks for your everlasting passion and especially
    for your time watching my (sadly 'old', now) creations. 
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 16:41:34