- User Name: senshiproductions
- Member Since: Thursday, August 14, 2003, 11:08 PM
- Name: Meghan Feeney
- Studio: Senshi Productions
- Location: USA
- Homepage: yaoi.y-gallery.net/user/midnightshinigami
- Last Login: 2011-11-28 05:23:41
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Usefulness: 24.8 with
4 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Twenty-one old college student who loves video editing. Like that hasn't been said a thousand times on here yet. XD
Senshi Productions is my group that has been around since 1998, or when I was 10. Of course the name came from Sailor Moon, and I have never bothered to change it. From 2000-2003 I was making AMVs. All on the horrid Windows Movie Maker. Then I stopped when I moved more into my art and other things, and sadly I stopped AMV making. All the videos that are on here are gone for good. I haven't been on the site since then either lol.
Now I focus mainly on making fan parodies that are shown at Otakon with my family's production group S.N.Zero Productiions. So far we've had two episode length things shown, and I am currently voice acting in and ADR direction in Sailor Moon Universe. That's a fan made sixth season of Sailor Moon. It comes back again!
Hopefully I'll get started on AMV making again. I have a new program, and I'm ready to go!