- User Name: MeeboAMV
- Member Since: Monday, October 10, 2011, 2:32 PM
- Name: Jessica Makerz
- Location: United States Of America
- Homepage: http://www.youtube.com/user/meebomakerz
- Last Login: 2011-10-10 16:55:47
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (1)
- Profile: My last org account has been de-activated cause I'm an inactive bitch. So let's get active Jess!
Former Org Account: meebomakerz
Hai Anyone Who's Reading This.
I'm Jessu [or meebomakerz] and this is my AMV org page.. So I've been editing non-stop since July 2008. I started off with wmm but I've advanced over time and now I edit with vegas blaa. I love making amv's and I hope to make some great ones for you all to see! I will only upload amv's that I think are 'worthy' enough for the org.
But to see all of my work; http://www.youtube.com/user/meebomakerz
Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro [Main Editing Program]
Adobe After effects CS5 [Advanced Editing Program]
AMVSimple [Encoding]
VirtualDubMod [Scripting]
Format Factory [Primary Converting]
Things soon to be uploaded on the org;
Can't I Dream? - Affiliation; Diverse Fusion Studios - Release; Winter '11-12.