- User Name: animemusical
- Member Since: Sunday, May 24, 2015, 9:52 AM
- Location: Florida, United States
- Last Login: 2015-06-03 18:07:45
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (5)
- Profile: Hi! I'm totally new at this. I'm an art lover and enthusiast and I have been wanting to get into video editing for some time now (HELP I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING). I've loved the idea of creating music videos and ones that actually match the lyrics and mood of the song. My boyfriend recently got me addicted to anime and I discovered the wonderful world of AMVs. So, I decided to started up a just-for-kicks-not-for-money youtube channel to devote to my new hobby and see where that takes me! I would love any constructive criticism, tips, and tutorials on how to improve (but also be nice and tell me what things you think are actually good because I'm really self conscious lol). Anyway, I hope you enjoy my videos!