- User Name: queencattabby
- Member Since: Sunday, September 28, 2003, 10:36 AM
- Name: Anna
- Location: Sydney, Australia
- Last Login: 2008-05-05 22:38:59
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Profile: Yo! I'm Anna, I'm 18 and I've just finished school. I'm taking a year off but next year I'm off to the UTS to study Media Arts and Production. I really enjoy making AMVs I've been doing it for a year or two now.
Before I leant about the wonderful community of AMV creators/viewers on the net I made quite a few small and insignificant FF8 music videos in Windows Movie Maker. When I did stumble on this site I learned what could be achieved through AMVs. I was inspired to create some quality AMVs of my own. I think the biggest turning point in my AMV "career” would be the joy that is Adobe Premiere, Windows Movie Maker just doesn't compare. My love of AMV creation was renewed when I was able to create the effects I wanted.
AMV editing is really new to Australia, we don't have any AMV cons and AMV competitions have only been recently introduced to anime conventions. I entered some of my AMVs into these competitions into Animania and Anime.au and have done well. I hope that as AMV editing becomes more popular and the competitions increase in scale my editing skills will improve.
The picture I edited and used in my profile was taken from www.pinuptoons.com
The artist is very talented and I recommend the site to anyone who likes my profile pic.