- User Name: Gundam Master
- Member Since: Wednesday, October 1, 2003, 8:01 PM
- Name: Matthew Inouye
- Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
- Last Login: 2020-10-10 22:33:44
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (3)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2005-06-12 00:55:53
- Usefulness: 70.5 with
11 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: 11/26/2005
If you are having trouble viewing the videos try downloading DIVX and then install it.
I finally uploaded my new video. It's made using Sony Vegas. I finally managed to upload it because the Gundam Seed: Special Editions weren't listed and I was the first to use them here. I hope you guys enjoy my new video and get to download it. I tried to Lip-Sync it and I think that I did a pretty damm decent job at least. I want to see what people think though so please RATE IT!!!
I have just released my first video. It has footage from Gundam Seed episode 49. It has the song Zips, by T. M. Revolution. Quality isn't the best because it was created using Windows Movie Maker. Someday I wish to make it a better quality. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Hey guys just uploaded version 2 of my video. The parts that I thought were bad were edited out and now there is some lip-sync. Well download it all tell me what you think. It took a while for me to uploaded and in that time I worked on a better version of this video. The better version will have better quality and some video FX.