- User Name: UnknownMalice
- Member Since: Thursday, October 9, 2003, 12:17 AM
- Name: UnKnown Malice
- Studio: Psychoblayde
- Last Login: 2006-11-14 20:06:40
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2003-10-09 00:06:16
- Profile: My old s/n is Psychoblayde. I'm 18 y/o, currently freelancing soon to be driving and in school along with a real job(all this depends on me getting my Birth Certificate and SS Card). I Use an absolute POS computer that is probably 20x better than what it started out as(500 Mhz, 32mb RAM, 2 MB VRAM, 2gb HDD, and 1 CD-ROM)if ya wanna know what it has now look at my first journal entry.
If you cant tell what im going to be going to school for by the time you read my first journal entery, You're a Dumbass. That Is All.