- User Name: Headmaster Cid Kramer
- Member Since: Friday, September 28, 2001, 9:52 AM
- Name: Michael Wachter
- Location: Lexington, KY, USA
- Last Login: 2007-10-05 22:04:15
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (12)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2001-11-05 20:38:00
- Usefulness: 121.8 with
4 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231957 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Well, where to begin. I am fairly new at AMV's as I have just recently completed my first music video in preparation for the MTAC 2 1/2 convention in Nashville, TN. I have gone to a few cons in my lifetime including Project A-kon, Anime Weekend Atlanta, Katsucon, and now MTAC. I usually go to AWA every year as it's in my previous hometown of Atlanta and only 7 hours away. I know and have learned from various AMV professionals such as Brad DeMoss, Lee Thompson, and Hsien Lee to name a few. Inspiration has helped me a lot along with dedication, patience, and knowing that my first video will never be my best. But, I know that with each AMV that I create, there will be something to learn from it that I can use to help make my next video that much more interesting.