- User Name: galaxy angel
- Member Since: Thursday, October 16, 2003, 3:33 PM
- Name: horoshi saga
- Studio: sanifire flame<//fire starter//>
- Location: alberta, canada
- Homepage: http://www.stepy.tk
- Last Login: 2006-10-24 14:42:54
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (1)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2005-03-21 16:04:54
- Profile: hello and welcome to my rilly crudy anime thingermobob and stuff so's what's up with you , well in about an some odd number stance i'm supposed to put up this rilly crudy thing also as you see I have a music video it'll be up in a bout a day today is the 4th of april (i think) also anyone going under the name of my studio called sanifire flame will be animed to death, (this is not a threat its something for you to laugh at) HA HA that was lame so yah love and peace.
also on this website everyone put's up these rilly long profile's and nobody seem's to rilly care all that much well that'ts be what i see and stuff so yah i'm done talking, i'm cutting class to type this up (man i rock)