- User Name: Khat17
- Member Since: Sunday, November 9, 2003, 8:40 PM
- Last Login: 2021-01-13 20:53:56
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (9)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2013-09-08 18:05:17
- Profile: I love AMVs. I love watching all the creations done - the ideas - the EPIC work put in by everyone. I may never get to the epic status, but I hope the ones I create help put ideas out there for others.
I ended up purchasing Sony Vegas for editing purposes - I know that more detailed work can be done with the Adobe suite, but that's very expensive. The first 3 videos I made were done in an older Adobe Premiere that I had a license for - all others are done only using Sony Vegas.
Love all the things I've seen - hopefully I will learn and contribute to the community. Thanks for having this site up - keep up the good work everyone!