- User Name: santagobyebye
- Member Since: Tuesday, November 11, 2003, 1:43 AM
- Name: Christopher Robinson
- Location: Temecula, California, United States of America
- Last Login: 2023-01-07 04:25:06
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (2)
- Worthy Banners: 10 worthy banners
- Usefulness: 128 with
1 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Lately this site has taken up alot of my free time so I figured I ought to make a profile of sorts...
Banners are fun. I'm 10 for 23 so far. That's not bad right? I might show some of my unworthy ones that I liked in this profile eventually but right now I'm feeling much too lazy. You're not missing much, they were deemed unworthy after all. Though there were a few that I really liked and thought worthy...
As of now I've only got one AMV down there. Please check it out and opinions are always appreciated of course. I had another in the making. "Had" being the key word there. I was trying to be dramatic but just came out being boreing so I scrapped it. And now I am struggling to think of another AMV idea...*sigh* I need more music.