- User Name: AnimeChuck
- Member Since: Sunday, November 16, 2003, 10:36 PM
- Name: The Amazing Char Ne Nee Of Ne Nee Land
- Location: Montgomery, AL, USA
- Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/a_n_i_m_e_rulez
- Last Login: 2007-12-02 05:22:22
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (5)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2006-02-15 00:55:56
- Usefulness: 75 with
2 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Okay I just re-did this entire thing and it blanked out on me.... >_< not cool. Okay so yes I'm AnimeChuck. I'm an aspiring amatuer AMV maker with Windows Movie Maker as my only outlet. I also only have a labtop to work with and bad quality anime files. But my wishes will come true someday. Hopefully I'll be able to make more AMVs if not...oh well. Enjoy the AMVs!
I apologize about my old picture....the one where I was flicking everyone off.....so I change to my pirate picture....yes I'm a weirdo...so what.
December 5th '05:
Argh!! I be the pirate the Amazing Char Ne Nee. I have finally beat the system and loaded another video. To all Juri fans...thank you for waiting and please don't kill me.
Next planned project. Mai Otome video
postponed: Until I see season one (Mai Hime) (I so lied)
February 14, '06: Happy V-day
Current project Mai Otome AMV
- Almost done
- Working out bugs
- Get effects
- Double checking the song...I may change it
Another project!!!
I'm currently working on something non-shoujo-ai for once. Not that I don't like the genre. Idon't want to be type-casted. LOL
The AMV is going to feature at least 3 or more animes...I'm still working on teh number that I can actually put in with the time span of 3 minutes. I'm not fond of mega AMVs because my computer will commit suicide if I try and make something like that.
Notes on last project:
It was made.
Personally I liked it. I have a life and no time to edit out the subs. bite me.
July 7, '06 : AMV completed.
I was working on one of those "god this song would be good with this anime" so eventually I made one. AND!!!! To the liking of no subs! So I did something right for once. I apologize for being pro-subs but it's all I have time for...and this is a hobby for me.
I hope ya'll like Utena cause I made another AMV to the greatness of Utena-dom! This time to the movie. I will release it as soon as I can.