- User Name: GorcPic
- Member Since: Thursday, December 4, 2003, 5:38 PM
- Location: Denton, TX, USA
- Last Login: 2022-12-15 18:03:42
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2004-04-13 08:52:01
- Profile: ...I need to put something here or else the clowns will get me...
I am just a college guy trying to get through the last stages of school(even though it IS optional) and get out into the world and find a job, which will eventually miserably fail and I'll end up being the next bum you see wearing a sign saying "I planned to fail" or something like that.
Now, with random, illogical raving aside, let me introduce myself. I am going to be a future video game designer and possibly programmer and I am currently creating a few games. I also draw(try to at least) anthropomorphic art(look it up) and am currently trying to make a manga(trying being the key word). My Social Security Number is none of your business and my blood type is unimportant. I am also in the process of writing two novels(X.X) that are still in the beginning stages. How much can one guy take? How much of reading this can you take? Apparently you are patient enough to sit through this. Just a little longer...
I am a big-time gamer. I particularily love RPGs, FPSs, and Adventure games. I am creating a few RPGs and RTSs. I am a big Nintendo and Sega fan. Square makes some of the best games like Final Fantasy 7(^^ my fave game) and I play them a lot and the most.
So now that I introduced myself, it's time for you to find something doing that worth your while, so I'll release you from my meandering topics and monotone typing. Well, see ya. And I hope the Rotweilers don't think you're food.
PS: Those favorites are not quite in order.