- User Name: HoshiakariProductions
- Member Since: Friday, January 2, 2004, 8:15 PM
- Studio: Hoshiakari Productions
- Location: FL
- Last Login: 2006-01-30 10:23:05
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Usefulness: 31 with
1 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231957 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Let's see... I've been a huge fan of AMVs since around 2001 I'd say. I started messing around in Windows Movie Maker about three years ago, using footage from AMVs I'd downloaded (having no capture device). Of course, it was only for practice and I intend to never let those "experiments" see the light of day. Ever. *wince*
Now, I still haven't scraped up enough money to buy a decent editing porgram, so please bear with me until then (I might be getting a Mac so possibly Final Cut Pro? if it's not insanely expensive.) I know most of the veteran AMV producers shake their heads in disgust at what Windows Movie Maker has done to the world of Anime Music Videos and I completely agree. Now all your Average Joe needs is an internet connection, file-transfer program, and Movie Maker to crank out a mediocre AMV.
But! I promise to put actual time and effort into my vids. Hoshiakari Productions- dedicated to preserving the integrity of that which is Anime Music Videos...
Or something like that. XD