- User Name: Dana_dbz_PALACE
- Member Since: Wednesday, April 11, 2001, 10:12 AM
- Donation Level: Total Leech (Donator)
- Name: Dana
- Studio: GirlZ AMV Studios
- Location: Orlando, FL
- Last Login: 2009-02-12 15:04:06
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (3)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2004-05-19 12:13:46
- Usefulness: 104.1 with
99 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231938 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: I've been making vids on and off since early 1998. Been through crappy WIN TV as well as some other stuff. Finally got a hold of Adobe Premier (which is what most of my vids are made on now).
Finally got myself a new laptop so Premier won't keep on crashing on me! YEAH!
I haven't made a video in nearly 5 years! WOW! Has it really been that long? I'm still playing around with stuff so please stick with me! Feedback is always welcome...I mean, how else can I improve if you don't tell me what I'm doing wrong/right?
Update: Last video made was just over one year ago (Sayonara Hokage Sama).
I'm more into watching AMVs than creating them. My busy schedule doesn't really allow for it, and my constant moving around from state to state makes it hard to drag all my DVDs around. So instead of sacrificing quality (I have yet to make an AMV using actual DVDs), I'm not going to make any more for quite some time, if ever. So keep on throwing those awesome AMVs at me, cause I'll definately be watching them! :D
That's about it!