- User Name: VegetaGokuKuwabaraYusukeL
- Member Since: Sunday, February 22, 2004, 2:59 PM
- Name: Lisa Gomez
- Location: FL, U.S.A.
- Homepage: http://fanfiction.net/~kyoshigurelover
- Last Login: 2011-03-03 18:52:40
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Usefulness: 76 with
1 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Hey everyone! My name is Lisa, and I'm OBSESSED WITH ANIME! My favorites are as follows: (in order)
DragonBallZ (I've been literally obessed for over 5 years now. I LOVE DBZ! Goku and Vegeta are the best two characters in all of anime.)
Yu Yu Hakusho (Oh My god, I L-O-V-E this show! Kuwabara rocks ^_~)
Fruits Basket (I've read 15 out of the 15 mangas and I've seen the entire anime. I became obsessed with this the second I finished the first manga. Kyo is so awesome! KYO/TOHRU FOREVER!)
Gravitation (I've read 12/12 of the mangas and have bought 12. I've seen all four of the DVDs of the anime. I L-O-V-E this show! It's my latest binge ^_^)
Okay, I sound like a fangirl, but for anyone that knows me, I dispise and hate all fangirls. They all need to die.
My Websites:
Sadly enough, I have no current websites... if I get a good idea for another one, maybe I'll make another one one day...
My (Old) Websites:
A Heart of Gold- It's a large Kuwabara shrine, and the best Kuwabara shrine on the net. Bios, a lot of pictures, fanfiction, fanart, contests and more! Definitely worth a look if you like Kuwabara ^-^
Maze Castle- (http://maze-castle.com) It's the BEST Yu Yu Hakusho website on the net. Period. It has EVERYTHING! Episode Guides, screenshots, information, music videos, fanfiction... you name it, they've got it. I was the person in charge of the fan section, but my computer crashed and I didn't have internet for a long time. Once I regained my computer, Brandon the new owner thought it best I didn't return to the staff. And now Tim wants me and my sister to join the staff once again... Tim will be away on a trip, so he needs people to be in charge of the info section... so now, my twin sister Gina and I are currently "running" the info section for Maze-Castle for the next month! Tim is the founder and now runs the site again after a breif stop, and he makes the BEST Yu Yu Hakusho music videos. If you haven't seen one of Tim's vids yet. . . You haven't lived.
More info on me:
Listening to: "Everything That I Am" - Tarzan, the Broadway Musical
Watching: The Fruits Basket series
Eating/Drinking: Christmas cookies
Wearing: A DragonBallZ shirt ^_~
Obsessing over: Fruits Basket & Broadway
Mood: Relief
What I look forward to: New Years!