- User Name: sailorkagome180
- Member Since: Wednesday, February 25, 2004, 1:26 AM
- Name: Melissa Higurashi
- Homepage: http://www.kagomedreams.cjb.net
- Last Login: 2005-12-19 22:05:09
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Profile: Konnichiwa minna-chan! ^^ I'm Melissa, alias: Sailor Kagome- Sailorkagome180. I'm 13, and I'm into Web Design, and Graphic Design ^^v My favorite anime of all time is Inuyasha, it's just so great, and in my eyes, a work of art above all animes. XD I recently got into AMV making, when I was playing around with Windows Movie Maker, and figured out how to make them. It's so fun! ^^ Hopefully, you'll enjoy my Anime Music Videos, as much as I enjoyed making them =]