- User Name: Jysbena
- Member Since: Friday, May 7, 2004, 1:15 PM
- Name: Nicolle DeCoppel
- Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
- Last Login: 2018-08-23 22:09:14
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (12)
- Usefulness: 101.5 with
4 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231957 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Well i'm back XP I quit making videos awhile ago but alas i had to many ideas i just had to get back into it.
I started making videos years ago with one of my good friends. My skills improved, but theres always room for more learning.
As a side note, I go by the nicknames Jysbena AND Nikkular, so don't be shocked if you see one of my videos credited to either names.