- User Name: Cybershadow
- Member Since: Tuesday, January 15, 2002, 3:02 PM
- Name: Donald Barnes II
- Studio: Digital_Dojo
- Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/digital_dojos
- Last Login: 2004-07-28 16:33:51
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (4)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2002-09-04 15:14:17
- Usefulness: 97.5 with
11 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231957 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Well, a little about myself, and studio...
My name is Donald A. Barnes II
I am a 23 yr old college student. I will be attending East Carolina University in the fall and starting my jr. year working towards a computer science degree.
Myself and cousin (goes by studio name Digital_Dojo)Joined AMV a few months ago, and thus started Digital Dojos. I got into AMV about a year ago (before I knew that such a cool place as this existed) by watching a frined at the college make an AMV to Crying Freeman combining footage from the Live motion and the Anime. Not long after I got a new PC. Soon after I got a Dazzle capture device so I could edit my uncle's wedding for him, and remembering the Crying freeman video I soon went to work on "Back" my first video. I used MGI video wave 4 which was not very good for AMV's. I didn't really mess with it anymore after that until I got a copy of Premier a few months ago, now I am hooked for life...
My set up:
Winbook laptop
850 MGRZ Pentium III
256 MB ram
20 GB Hard drive
Pro-480 speakers with subwoffer
15.5" monitor
USB Dazzle to capture
Premiere 6.0
Fav. Quote:
"You have the power to write your own fortune."
-Some lazy frotune cookie