- User Name: MikoKikyo401
- Member Since: Sunday, May 30, 2004, 4:15 PM
- Name: Roxanne
- Location: Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
- Last Login: 2007-05-16 17:14:26
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (7)
- Worthy Banners: 2 worthy banners
- Journal: Last entry made on 2005-04-27 10:41:55
- Usefulness: 74.9 with
34 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Hello!
I absolutely love this place. AMV.org is the place for music vids. I really enjoy leaving opinions for the creators of their music videos. I don't make videos so there's no point searching for mine just cause I gave you a bad opinion and you want to do the same to me XP I am consider to be one of the nicest people at my school, so you can expect no less than a seven as being you lowest score from me unless I think your video is just plain crap and/or a carbon copy of another vid then 1 is your best chance.
Places where you can find/contact me:
Kazaa Lite K++ I'm iydudette@KazaaLiteK++. Keep a lookout for my media.
Neopets Drop me a neomail to mikokikyou401
Or send me an e-mail and I'll write back (maybe).
Here are some of my fav sites:
www.animemusicvideos.org (obviously)
My banners:(most recent on first)
What do you see? - was Rejected (I have no clue why. The email said that I altered the logo somehow :S)
Smile Now ^_^ - 83 votes (my best one :))
Success Ticket - 78 votes (it looks bad but hey 78 votes ain't too shabby)
Please Join Us - 76 votes (I could have used the picture in a more effective way but oh well :P)
Everyone has a Dark Side - 75 votes (I didn't even know who this person is. -It's a Vampire Miyu manga picture-)
Too Captivated - 70 votes (I was very proud at this one at one point ^_^)
-A couple more Rejects go here- One was that the oval wasn't clear and the next was that the text "AnimeMusicVideos.Org" was readable both on the same banner I submitted TWICE!! I just decided to give up fixing it.
New Generation - 58 votes (Now that I look at it again, it does look kinda bad O_o)
Angelic Dancer - 50 votes (An experiment that went horribly wrong -_- I was messing around with Photoshop and had no clue what I was doing)
Follow the Wind - 59 votes (I liked this one too :()
Searching - 29 votes (-.-................... no comment. This was my first banner and most unsuccessful one too. I didn't like it)