My Profile

  • User Name: srarower
  • Member Since: Friday, June 4, 2004, 10:04 PM
  • Name: Bronson
  • Location: Redmond, Washington, USA
  • Last Login: 2008-02-20 23:17:53
  • Forum Info: Profile        Posts (12)
  • Usefulness: 113.2 with 5 opinions
    [average 119.3 of 231939 opinions; standard deviation 432 ]
  • Profile: Hello my name is Bronson, I was first inroduced to anime in junior high. I had never even heard the word anime before eventhough I had seen it many times years earlier in elementry school. You know; the old stuff, like megaman and the original DBZ. Enyway, eventually I began to branch out and I discovered manga. The first manga I read was the four book series by Miazaki entitled Nausicaa of the valley of the wind (still my favorite). Now I have watched and read more anime than I can count and it still keeps getting better.
    I stumbled onto AMVs by accident when I was looking for music to download o_0 (woops). But this mistake ended up beeing a great thing. I never would have thought that I would like anime this far down the road, but I do. Unfortunetally the computer that I am using is a bit archeick......A.K.A. a piece of $l-lit. Now because of this I am limited to the kinds of videos that I can download. I am stuck with only being able to download mpeg files and a limited few others. My favorite anime (in no particulr order) are hellsing, evangellion, akira, monanoke hime (princess monanoke), battle angel alita, jin roh, kenshin, and of course nausicaa. I forgot to mention earlier that I can speak japanese, though I am technically german and can speak a grand total of three words of german o_0 (go figure). I am not fluent in nihongo (japanese), but I can understand quite a bit. If enyone would like to get in touch with me please email me. Though I have known about AMVs for a while i have just recently become a member and because of that I dont know enyone yet, and it's kinda lonley ._., so if you want to talk about enything ime here.
    talk 2 ya later

global average

  • Count231939
  • Originality8.47
  • Visual Quality8.37
  • Audio9.00
  • Action Sync8.45
  • Lip Sync8.24
  • Special Effects8.49
  • Effort8.60
  • Re-view-ability7.92
  • Overall8.43

average given

  • Count5
  • Originality8.60
  • Visual Quality8.20
  • Audio8.80
  • Action Sync8.60
  • Lip Sync8.50
  • Special Effects8.00
  • Effort8.80
  • Re-view-ability7.60
  • Overall8.40

average received

  • Count0
  • Originality
  • Visual Quality
  • Audio
  • Action Sync
  • Lip Sync
  • Special Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-view-ability
  • Overall