- User Name: gungrave1919
- Member Since: Friday, July 9, 2004, 1:58 PM
- Name: Brian Wienstroer
- Studio: LIGHTFAST.Ltd
- Location: Florissant, Mo, United States
- Homepage: http://www.lightfastlimited.net
- Last Login: 2008-02-14 19:36:51
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (16)
- Profile: Every once in awhile you stumble across a members video and say to yourself "WOW!, hes really good." And then you go and look at the rest of his videos and it seems like he didnt put the same devotion into the rest of his videos, well....I DO! Everyone of my videos has taken a peice of my heart, and I still have alot to give.
I love animation, I thrive off of it. I have my own company going right now, and if you would like to see what we do go to www.lightfastltd.com.