- User Name: makemeshiny
- Member Since: Monday, August 16, 2004, 2:38 PM
- Name: Jessica
- Location: pittsburgh, pennsylvania, USA
- Last Login: 2012-07-04 21:57:48
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2004-08-16 19:25:57
- Usefulness: 71.6 with
5 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Hi guys. How's it going? Hehe. Well this is my profile. Welcome to it.
I mainly am into creating Gravitation AMV's but have been known to do some for Yami No Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness) As well ^^
If you watch my vids. Please leave an opinion. It is very much appreciated. Even if it's justa short one. Doesnt matter to me. I just want to know so that I can improve.
Alot of my vids have subtitles still on them, and while i know that can get annoying I ask you to please try and look past that. ^^
Also if you are interested I do take requests for videos to be made, but only for Gravitation and Yami no Matsuei. So if you would like me to make a vid for you. You can email your request to xmakemeshinyx@hotmail.com Just include the following:
1. Your member name
2. What anime you are looking for
3. Name of the song you would like
4. Pairing/Theme.
^^ thanks guys!!!
-make me shiny