- User Name: AerylonBW
- Member Since: Monday, August 23, 2004, 3:10 PM
- Name: Daniel Cox
- Studio: MasterWerks Studios, INC.
- Location: Riverside, CA, Good Ol' US of A
- Homepage: www.alivenotdead.com/AerylonBW
- Last Login: 2012-11-09 18:22:58
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (3)
- Usefulness: 30.8 with
5 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231957 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Hmm, well lets see.
I suppose I started doing AMVs about 3 years ago. I just didn't know it then that what I was doing was leading to making videos. It started off by making a Tribute Music Video for Stargate SG-1, and sending it off via email via my website. What I thought was a damn good video in actuality, sucked royal monkey nutts, but everyone I knew was very polite in telling me it was good. It wasn't until I saw an Akum AMV on the.org site that I knew I had a long way to go before I got anywhere remotely close to that. I still haven't been able to meet that demand of myself yet. But then again, I use nothing but free software for video making. Originally, I started with making music, via Acoustica Music Maker-(My Capcom VS SNK 2 AMV has an original mix by DJ Vision, and remixed by me, myself and I. Because all of the songs I picked with a couple exceptions didn't fit what clips I had used.) So I went back to the drawing board and made better music. One thing led to another and I Was producing anywhere between 3 and 10 tribute songs that eventually would be used for videos in a given month. But that wasn't to be either. Little did I know that you made the video to suit the song, rather than making the music to suit the video. Anyone who goes into pain-staking details on their videos know what I mean. Well my first real AMV was Capcom VS SNK 2, and I wasn't proud of it until recently. As I finished it with a good techno song of my own remixing (with DJ Vision's help of course) and then began constructing the new video around the song. Using audio sound bites I mixed them into the song and did my absolute best to time it good. Of Course its not perfect, but the next One I did was. The Ultimate Devil May Cry Tribute is actually one of 2 versions. I put the best version up on the .org site, where I use a Metallica song that I had to edit an entire minute out of it to fit the DMC AMV I was making. That wasn't so hard to do, with my experiecnce making music for Capcom VS SNK 2 and various other video Ideas, I was able to produce TUDMCT AMV within a side of two and a half days, and it came out a whole hell of a lot better than its counter-part which I used an Iron Maiden song for.
More AMV's will be coming out from MasterWerks Studios, INC soon. I'm currently working on a XenoSaga Episode 1 and 2 AMV. But getting footage for it is proving difficult. Of course when someone gives my AMVs a download/opinion, I'll be sure to do the same for you, as I check everyday for new opinions. lol (I know, I'm pathetic)
My wife is a very understanding woman, and all of my videos are dedicated to her in some form, fashion, or other. As she's the one who puts up with me asking her advice for my AMV's. At any rate, I'll be putting up the final Version of Capcom VS SNK 2 today. It uploads as I write this. When its up, ya'll let me know what you think of each of my videos thus far. (wow, I know, only 2) okay, so I'm a perfectionist....what's your excuse? lol....