- User Name: mirichan63
- Member Since: Friday, September 17, 2004, 12:25 PM
- Last Login: 2011-03-10 21:35:07
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Profile: For me, doing an AMV is akin to doing fanart or fanfic... a method of expression. I don't use complex software as I don't have the patience to read through techno-babble although I might change my mind one day, who knows.
My AMVs are usually simple. They are expressing a mood or an idea and use slow-paced images. While my favorite AMVs are usually fast-paced ones that have my jaw hit the floor, I am not of the MTV generation and can't deal with that assault of images when doing mine.
I often tend to be inspired by anime less popular (Otogizoushi and Yukikaze representing this well) and will often use fansubs as source as the commercial material is unavailable at the moment.
Oh... and if you wonder about some of my AMVs having French titles? Not an affectation. I'm French-speaking. :P