- User Name: annako
- Member Since: Friday, October 1, 2004, 6:18 AM
- Name: Mary L
- Location: Canada
- Homepage: http://www.annako.deviantart.com
- Last Login: 2009-04-03 14:09:16
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (6)
- Profile: Hello ^_^ Don't mind me...I'm just another noob AMV maker...@_@ If you like my videos, you have made me the happiest noob in the world. ^_^ Most of my videos contain subtitles which I *hate* but unfortunately have no power to prevent...so uhh.........I hope you still like my videos? eheh..
and most of my videos (all of them actually) are boyxboy. Please, if you don't like it, DON'T WATCH IT. Thank you.
Have a nice day. ^_^