- User Name: johndude33
- Member Since: Monday, November 1, 2004, 9:19 PM
- Name: John Dude
- Location: Ellensburg, WA, USA
- Last Login: 2007-09-27 23:27:13
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (11)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2005-01-09 00:32:00
- Profile: I'm a rather new otaku, having just found anime last April. I've blossomed and have come to love this genre. The stories are wonderful and it's nice to have a new obsession, lol.
I hope to learn a lot more about producing my own videos, and to be on the cool Top 10% List someday, hehe.
We'll see how it goes! Just keep downloading my videos and rating me. Critiques are welcome through private messages if you can help me improve the art and tips to further myself, to be able to convey messages with the song and the material used.