- User Name: gomayoman
- Member Since: Saturday, November 27, 2004, 7:26 PM
- Studio: Bleach Underground
- Homepage: http://bleachunderground.com/
- Last Login: 2007-02-18 02:19:50
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (12)
- Profile: Yo guys I am gomayoman AKA Bleachfan on my bleach fan site. Me and my friend {Kusyo} has made alot of AMV for the site and now we're working on uploading all the AMV to animemusicvideos.org for the ppl that dont know about us. So We hope you love the AMV's plz let us know what you think and if you get some time come on over and talk to us at
http://bleachunderground.com/ {Site}
http://s7.invisionfree.com/Bleachfan/index.php?act=idx {Forum}