- User Name: Kampasi
- Member Since: Tuesday, November 30, 2004, 5:33 PM
- Name: Micky
- Location: United states
- Last Login: 2007-08-01 16:52:08
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (5)
- Usefulness: 92.4 with
7 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231957 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: I'm a total Inuyasha freak! =D I have the biggest plushie of him available easily to people in the USA. I tow it around with me whenever I go someplace for a long period of time (like, an overnight stay or a vacation). I'm not awesome at making AMVs but I like to think of myself as a decent AMV maker. Don't expect to be ashtonished, but expected to be entertained. ^__^
And for my 10 Favorite Animes, Inuyasha is #1, but for some odd reason it won't let me place it as number one. o___o;