- User Name: karu58
- Member Since: Sunday, December 19, 2004, 3:41 PM
- Name: Jessica Nelson
- Studio: Icon Tsiyur Videos
- Location: Orangevale, CA, My United States of Whatever
- Last Login: 2007-05-21 00:13:15
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (30)
- Usefulness: 70.8 with
5 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231939 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Hello. My name is Jessica Nelson. I help my brother in editing his video at the icon Tsiyur videos studio a.k.a his room. My favorite editor is Ian Roberts. I like the Amvs: ghostbusters, boys and girls, spectacular anime, i wish i was a lesbian, road to iron chef, the lord of the yen trilogy, and many others. I am very strict in evaluating amvs. Yeah, so you can watch our first crack at editoring in the amv hell 3 and 0.