- User Name: TekPremiered
- Member Since: Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 2:35 PM
- Studio: Dream Theory Productions
- Location: Brunswick, Maine, USA
- Homepage: http://www.akirablaid.com
- Last Login: 2012-11-14 20:36:08
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (21)
- Usefulness: 101.3 with
9 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: yo im tek, im working on my first vid right now and akira
loves it.. ALOT... because of the betas i was able to get into his studio "Dream Therory Productions" and im happy about that. right now im too lazy to tell my comp specs, but i use vegas (im finaly out of wmm2 woot) 4.0, and i love it (think its better then premiere)
out of my vids (pratice and this one) i like to find songs that have diffrent beets to them, and then make effects that fit with zat beet, i think thats just the way i like to edit.
if you would like my betas AIM me at Tek Premiered
the reason i think my first vid will be good is because i spent about a month with pratice vids, just getting better and getting used to vegas and its effects, so now i know them and i somewhat know what clips go well togeather, if ya want any, aim me (above) for info
i cant wait for my vid to finish (i expect it to be done in about 2-3 months, plus a week going over it and making it PERFECT) so i hope you will like it ^_^
comp stats in
*computer stats*
AMD Athon[tm] XP 1800+
AT/AT compatible
359 ddr ram ( 2 dif memory cards to make that much, i know with just one it cant happen but w/e)
windows 2000
dvd burner (info about it later)
custom made (thanks mom)
soon to get 1gb ram
well i kinda lost my old vid, but on the up side im worken on a new one! and it is MUCH better then the old one, so just wait.