- User Name: Tears
- Member Since: Monday, August 26, 2002, 4:46 AM
- Name: Suzanne
- Location: Limburg, The Netherlands
- Last Login: 2003-12-29 13:40:28
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (1)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2002-09-03 13:52:56
- Profile: I'm an 16 (almost 17) year old girl, from the Netherlands. I'm an enormous nOOb when it comes to making AMV's. I've made one AMV so far, and have only resently (for about half a year) started to watch anime. My hobby's: writing story's (on fanfiction.net), reading, playing computergames, watching anime, calling my friends (my mother freaks out every time she sees the phonebill ^^;) being booored. Yeah, well, I guess that's all you need to know about me. Actually, I'm quite surprised that you're still reading this... It's not like my life is oh so interesting. Yet you're still reading this... I guess you must be really bored....really bored.....Oh well, thanks for taking interest in my boring life, and reading through this profile.