- User Name: Son Rose
- Member Since: Tuesday, May 31, 2005, 12:28 AM
- Name: Twone Evans
- Studio: Eclipse Angel Productions
- Location: Fairfield, CA
- Last Login: 2005-09-15 08:00:04
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Profile: Um, hi everyone. I'm new to the AMV production community, I'll warn you now, I don't have much in the way of programs or anything, so my videos will seem kinda, lackluster. With my disclaimer aside I'll tell you a little about little 'ol me. As you noticed already my name's Twone, and I hate it... Please, call me Son, or Rose, Goku Fan, whatever. I just hate my name. Anyway, I'm eighteen, soon to be nineteen in about two months. My life pretty much revolves around three things, Anime, music, and video games.
As for my videos, I never thought I'd ever show them to anyone but my friends, but my friend Justin said I should look into uploading them and now, here I am. I only found one of my creations even remotely worthy of being viewed by the public, so with hope in my heart and fear in my mind, I am going to begin my little adventure with that little piece of work.
Thanks for taking the time to read my little profile, and thank you in advance for downloading my work, and any possible comments you may leave.
That little pic of mine depicts one of the things I like to do most...