- User Name: Vegedus
- Member Since: Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 11:45 AM
- Name: Mads Kirchhoff
- Studio: Mindgame Productions
- Location: Denmark
- Last Login: 2010-06-01 08:24:36
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (4)
- Profile: 'Sup fellas. I am a diverse nerd who enjoys everything from WoW over anime to DnD. As such, I'm not a gigantic anime fan, and I don't watch AMVs all the time, but I when they're good, they're damn good, and I've discovered much good music just by watching AMVs. As I'm am fond of odd, creative projects, I am appealed to the idea of making AMVs myself and it is great fun (if a bit laborious). So, djana, or however the hell you spell it.