- User Name: hikaranko
- Member Since: Sunday, October 16, 2005, 4:40 PM
- Name: Kara
- Location: USA
- Last Login: 2010-09-23 08:35:43
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (2)
- Profile: Hi everyone!
No one knows who I am, and I don't know many of you... but odds are, we are going to be downloading AMVs off of one another, so I just thought I should say "hi". :D Anyways...
I have made an unreasonable amount of AMVs... you'll see lots of Ranma videos coming out of me, some Oh My Goddess! ones, Square-Enix vids, and more and more Naruto vids. I apologize ahead of time for the subtitles of doom that appear in my videos. I'll find a way to get rid of them eventually. But for now... for the most part, just ignore 'em. :P