- User Name: Peterka
- Member Since: Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 7:59 AM
- Name: Piotr Nowak
- Studio: BBS
- Location: Krakow, Poland
- Homepage: http://ssenemesis.fotosik.pl/
- Last Login: 2011-09-19 18:19:41
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (35)
- Usefulness: 405.7 with
20 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231939 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Numer GG # 270 90 64
I've just started production of AMV's by creating a studio with my friend. I hope we'll make something fresh of it. Please support us - mails and comments very appreciated.
My BBS nick is Elwood
In future I plan going to Japan and making my own anime. I'm realist even if I don't sound so. As you can see I like sentimantal and piece-of-life anime so there should be many motifs like this in my works.
When I OP the video key factors are idea (deeper sense or just interesting way of creation are equal & the best), originality & effort. I like author comments on video's page. I'm a bit strict but I like when someone likes to make AMVs and has sth to say. I wonder also if some of you have forgotten about grades lower than 8
Sometimes I use "Devil may cry" based grades :
dull ->cool->bravo( really good) ->awesome ->stylish
PO POLSKU: KIEDY WYSTAWIAM komuś OPinie kluczowymi czynnikami dla oceny są: pomysł (głębszy sens czy ciekawy sposob tworzenia sa rowne i najlepsze), oryginalnosc i wysiłek. Lubie też przeczytac na stonie AMVki co sadzi o niej autor. Jestem chyba dokładny czy surowy ale lubie kiedy widac ze ktos lubi AMV i wazne jest dla niego by cos nimi powiedziec. Bo sam tak mam. No i czasem zastanawiam się czy zapomnieliscie ze istnieja oceny niższe niż 8?
Czasem uzywam ocen bazujacych na grze "Devil May Cry" :
dull(słabo) -> cool -> bravo (naprawde dobrze) -> awesome -> stylish