- User Name: Shinigami_Tenshi
- Member Since: Tuesday, February 25, 2003, 10:45 AM
- Name: Miharu Takahashi
- Studio: Baka Elite Productions
- Location: Perth, Australia
- Last Login: 2007-06-25 04:02:51
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2006-05-24 20:45:29
- Usefulness: 130.6 with
8 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231939 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: The Girl Behind The Insaness
Hey welcome to the lovley profile page. Anyone who paided attention to my last one well nothing much really has changed. Im still a broke university student but now I hardly have anytime to do anything with studies and work *sigh* Once again thats about it, very boring life I know
Why Baka Elite Production...everyone uses Baka?
Firstly this was the name of my car hehehe it all started when I didnt know exactly what model my car was and at the time I thought it was a Magna Elite but cause it has a body kit on it and looks sweet as but isnt really a 'sports' car I poked fun at it and called it a Baka Elite...turns out my car is a Magna Elante which is a sports model :P and it became my name for my lovley sort of production company (Yes tacky i know *hangs head*)
About My AMV's
Nothing much to really say about them first of all I would love to thank everyone who have gave thier opinions. It means so much to me and its great to see that you have loved them :D Also If you have just randomly browsed and hit my page I will give you my recommendations of downloading hehe I have to be a good hostess. My 2 favourite that I have completed to date are my Initial D trailer and FFVII AC One Man's Battle *gets down on hands and knees and begs* please don't pass over my Initial D one I love this one so much and it took me ages to do...yes some lip sync is out but still I'm learning just like everyone else :D
Currently my Yami no Matsuei - Bring Me To Life amv is missing due to Evanescence and other bands threating action against the org for us using thier songs in our amvs. I would like to thank everyone who downloaded it previously and for the people who left thier opinions :D and unfortunatley this is not be one of the moments when we say "it will be back soon" :(
Flashy Stuff That These Wierd AMV's Are Made On.
OS: Windows XP Professional
CPU: Pentium IV, 2.4Ghz
RAM: 512MB
Video Card: ASUS A9550 Series (ATI Radeon 9550 GPU)
Sound Card: Onboard hooked up to 5.1 channel stereo
Hard Drive: 1 x 160gb Seagate, 1x 120gb Western Digitial, 1 x 320gb Seagate
Programs Used: Premiere 6.5 (still refuse to upgrade), VirtualdubMod, Smart Ripper, After Effects 6, Photoshop CS2. AviSynth2.5, DVD2AVI
Case: Pretty Black and Silver
Other Pretty Stuff: Red, Blue & Tri colour case fans, Red Cold Cathod cause the blue one is blinding