- User Name: Karen-chan
- Member Since: Monday, March 24, 2003, 3:30 PM
- Name: Victoria Erica
- Studio: Rhapsody in Scarlet
- Location: CA, USA
- Homepage: http://scarlet-rhapsody.com
- Last Login: 2009-12-24 00:30:43
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (4)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2003-04-06 21:16:58
- Profile: I've been into anime music videos since 1999. After listening to "Everything is Gonna Be Allright" by Sweetbox during my Freshman year of high school, I thought - "This would be a spiffy AMV!"
Hm...I attend a few cons here and there. Anime Expo, Animagic, and Anime Central to name a few. I still have yet to enter an AMV contest. ^^v