My Profile
- User Name: PSITeleport
- Member Since: Tuesday, July 4, 2006, 5:39 PM
- Donation Level: Total Leech (Partaker)
- Location: Ft. Worth, TX
- Last Login: 2011-03-16 20:12:15
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (4)
- Usefulness: 17 with
1 opinions
119.3 of
231942 opinions; standard deviation
432 ]
- Profile:
global average
- Count231942
- Originality8.47
- Visual Quality8.37
- Audio9.00
- Action Sync8.45
- Lip Sync8.24
- Special Effects8.49
- Effort8.60
- Re-view-ability7.92
- Overall8.43
average given
- Count1
- Originality10.00
- Visual Quality10.00
- Audio9.00
- Action Sync10.00
- Lip Sync9.00
- Special Effects10.00
- Effort10.00
- Re-view-ability9.00
- Overall10.00
average received
- Count0
- Originality
- Visual Quality
- Audio
- Action Sync
- Lip Sync
- Special Effects
- Effort
- Re-view-ability
- Overall
- 1.
- Irresponsible Captain Tylor
- 2.
- Haré+Guu (TV)
- 3.
- Naruto
- 4.
- Hardo Gay
- 5.
- Genshiken
- 6.
- Revolutionary Girl Utena (TV)
- 7.
- Inu Yasha (TV)
- 8.
- Initial D 1st Stage
- 9.
- Here Is Greenwood
- 10.
- Onegai Teacher