- User Name: erlendsson
- Member Since: Thursday, August 10, 2006, 7:08 PM
- Donation Level: Total Leech
- Name: Terry Williams
- Location: the City of Lolz in the State ROFL, ... Where's stfu located?
- Last Login: 2008-04-17 17:50:39
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (1)
- Usefulness: 66 with
1 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231942 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: The today of tomorrow
Where are we headed in the near future? What is it that we are meant to become? What will become of us? What will become of our friends? Our family? Our childhood love? What will become of humanity? How will society turn? How will it mutate into the creature of tomorrow? How will it scream into the night of the next day? Will it squirm? Will it roll, and pant, and crawl as it tries to move about? Will it die in its struggle? Will it blow out in the wind? Will it collapse upon itself, tearing at its skin, ripping at its sensitive flesh, burning out its eyes, and severing its precious veins? Will the old men still sit chatting on their porches, as the young ones destroy, what those before them sweat blood to bring forth into the world? From the Fire of Rebirth, will the phoenix finally come forth no more? Will the people united, fall to those who refuse to die out? Those who worked to death, rise again to destroy that which killed them? Will the damned cowardly government give up on the world? Where shall those cast out reside? Where will those unloved find hope? Where will those who were shunned find security? Where will those who were killed be sent? When will this paradox end? This endless waltz? This running riot? This shining thing die out? When?