- User Name: looktothesky
- Member Since: Friday, July 27, 2001, 12:56 PM
- Name: Tim Blakely
- Location: Ohio, USA
- Last Login: 2002-08-08 23:38:04
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (1)
- Profile: "The music and the images he depicted of the Trigun series were excellent. Usually I'm not one to even make a comment about the AMVs I get here, however this one really made me want to say how great it is. The maker of this video did a very good job in timeing and with blending. ... However although I'm upset because I haven't seen the end yet, the spoiler shots did drive home the sadness and overall emotion of the song. Excellent vid. If anyone can't get it use AIM to contact me at Quakerising and I transfer the video to you. " - RisingShadows
Not bad for a first video, 'eh? ^_^
Whelp, not much to say... if you can't get the video email me at SkyFire360@aol.com and I will figure out how to get it to you.
UPDATE: 10-9-01 - Video removed due to hosting limitations... if anyone has any space to offer/hosting suggestions, please email me at skyfire360@aol.com so we can get the video up and running again.