- User Name: DancesWithRainbows
- Member Since: Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 8:52 AM
- Name: Rebecca
- Location: Morgantown, WV, USA
- Last Login: 2022-01-30 10:49:55
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (1)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2007-11-11 10:13:00
- Profile: I Love Making AMVs, In fact I'm saving up to but some better software/Computer
I mostly make Naruto videos a lot of Sasuke ones.... I'm sorry for the string of depressing themes lately.... got a request or an idea.... if you inspired it You WILL BE IN THE CREDITS I can try and make it HAVE FUN
Hello... I finally got better software... Vegas 4.0 is Now Vegas PLatinum Pro 9.0 I willl soon have a copy of Particle as well. I moved away so Im sorry for the large gap of no videos and I finally was able to save one of my fav works that i never uploaded my lips of an angel i got it off my crashed hardrive and uploaded last week. I hope u all enjoy my videos I think ive come a long way since Movie Maker and just pictures on a crappy computer back in like July 2006. almost a year after i first REALLY got into Anime. So anyway more updates later~