- User Name: Nikoru Takashi
- Member Since: Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 11:52 AM
- Name: Michael Szajewski
- Studio: =^_^=*~PartyStylerz Production~*=^_^=
- Location: Katowice, Poland
- Homepage: http://PartystylerzProduction.piczo.com
- Last Login: 2007-05-29 12:02:14
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (5)
- Usefulness: 145.5 with
2 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: I'm the first Polish AMV creator who created international AMV maker group... if you know what I mean ^.~
I'm Nikoru Takashi aka Vegeta I'm from Katowice in Poland and I'm 18 years old. Yeah - 1989 year rulez! I am very active guy who has a lot of energy inside, like to help another people, write poems and books, has a lot of mindful strengh (a lot of people saying this to me so I think something must to be in this), is very cultural and tolerable. Some people say about me: "Gentleman of XXI century" XD REALLY! I have character of XIX century guy but I didn't lose anything from entertainment of XXI century guy. My quest with creating of AMV's started very short time ago - I started in 01.08.2006 and my first AMV was with S.O.A.D. music and Please Teacher anime. In 29.09.2006 I created for my girlfriend production group named "Partystylerz Production" and it became very popular very fast (if I remember good after 2 or 3 weeks of existing we already had 1000 hits). If somebody is looking for production group to join - welcome! In our group it's a lot of place for you ppl! We wanna show your passion. Because the passion and smiles of AMV fans is for AMV creators the most important on the world, isn't it? ^.^
I don't know what to say more - if you wanna know me better just IM me on Yahoo Messenger - my nickname here is nikoru_san.
I hope you like me and my videos *^_^*
And BTW (I almost forgot) - you can read some of my english poems @ http://nikorutakashi.blogspot.com/ -> it's still with only one note but soon when I'll get time for writing and editing I'll write here more - hope you like my poems I'll write here XP
But if somebody understand polish language I invite to http://myfirstbooks.za.pl/ -> here you'll be able to read my books. I didn't update this site very long time (last updation was one year ago if I remember good) but it was because of no interest of this site. But if I see there's some people reading this and leaving opinions I'll make it better.
And you can leave opinion about me @ http://nikoru.jest.in/
Translation for people who don't know polish:
Beside text "Nikoru jest" is empty poll - here you write opinion about me. "Nikoru jest" means "Nikoru is".
Beside the text "Twój nick" is another empty poll - here you write your nickname. "Twój nick" means "Your nick" or something like this XP
Hope I'll see soon some opinions here XP