- User Name: setsuna22
- Member Since: Thursday, May 22, 2003, 3:20 AM
- Name: setsuna 22
- Studio: Setsuna Starlight Studios
- Location: Tatu, anywhere but here.
- Homepage: www.fanfiction.net
- Last Login: 2004-09-21 17:47:25
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2003-05-22 02:34:44
- Usefulness: 3 with
1 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231938 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Well if your reading this your either 1 very bored. or 2 lost you way on a vist to a porn site. Anyway about me? Their is alot to tell or very little to tell depending on your point of view. Ill keep it short and try not to be to mind numbing.
im 20 going on 50 in my soul and with my mentality- maybe 14. Female and In love with anime- correction- in love with sailor moon- mainly the outer senshi and the starlights. Mamoru can go screw himself. hmmm other intrests? painting, reading , making videos with my pal Hotaru and beign with friends and family. Also spending alot of time writting sailor moon fanfictions and lurking around TATU websties. which just happens to be one of my main vices in life. They say what people are screaming inside to say and are by all accounts- two of the most intresting people in the world.
my favorite color is lavander and sliver and i love chocolate ice cream and goldfish crackers (in that order) Im hoping to post my first video in the next few days- a song by eveancesence to the love triangle of Seiya/Mamoru and Usagi. I also have the workings of a Michiru and Haruka song by the same wonderful band. I have already co- produced 2 videos which im planning on doing tonight.