- User Name: tonyofmoon
- Member Since: Saturday, May 24, 2003, 12:46 PM
- Name: Anthony Dalton
- Location: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
- Last Login: 2019-02-08 11:44:52
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (2)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2003-12-07 22:48:18
- Usefulness: 123.7 with
7 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Well, at this very moment, I am a student at TCC, a community college in Texas. I am studying micro-manufactoring......but it is not something I really want to do as a job. So, I am going to finish up the degree in that and then go major in history to become a history teacher. Anyways, I like to watch anime, movies, play games, hang out with friends, and all that good stuff. I have weird anime tastes I guess, but its all good. I hope to be able to get a huge anime collection one day, that would be awesome. Aa for AMV making expierence....i have only made two videos.....they weren't bad, but not good either, but I hope to be able to make some good ones or at least better ones now. Its been along time since i made those other ones anyway. If anyone wants to contact me about my videos or just wants to talk and be friends, my e-mail and msn is tonyofmoon@hotmail.com......my AIM is just tonyofmoon, anyways, see ya.
Also, my top 10 anime favorite animes and AMVs are very much wrong, i'll change it when I am not lazy.