- User Name: LiSakura
- Member Since: Monday, May 26, 2003, 2:03 AM
- Name: Mickey Takani
- Studio: ~~Darkness Dragon Studios~~
- Location: California, United States
- Homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/japanese_dreamer/
- Last Login: 2004-01-10 17:01:56
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (1)
- Profile: I have this picture on a shirt ^-^
Ok...I'm like one of the hugest Hiei fan-girls ever...ask me a question about him...I'll give you the correct answer or answers to it and maybe backround info as well...
Some call me obsessed...I just call it devoted...
Ok...so I don't really have any AMV's just yet...I haven't quite mastered this skill...so...yea...
But...according to my friends and other people, I'm a great writer and you can check me out at http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=272067#bot where, of course, I write fanfiction...
I really have nothing else to put here...I'm not the most sociable of people...so I'll close out with my Ode to Hiei...and no one steal it, I made it up with my sister and it is only to be used with one of our permission...I'm also working on an Ode to Kurama and an Ode to Yusuke...I hate Kuwabara to much to even try with him...
Ode to Hiei
*Tune to God Bless the USA*
If tomorrow all anime were gone
And my sister had no toe
The anime that'd stay by my heart
Would be Yu Yu Hakusho
I'd wish on every star
That Hiei would be mine
Together we would stand
And forever we would shine
And I'm proud to be a Hiei fan
Where I know I'm not alone
And I won't forget all the other girls
Who would love to hear his tone
And I gladly stand up!
Next to him
And defend him till today
Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this man!
God bless my Hiei...
I told you...I'm not OBSESSED...I'm just DEV-O-TED