- User Name: stephymariah
- Member Since: Sunday, June 8, 2003, 6:33 PM
- Name: Stephanie Mariah
- Location: California, USA
- Last Login: 2011-04-18 03:07:42
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Profile: I, like many others who have devoted their lives to 'cartoons', have been a fan of Japanese Animation for over ten years. I started off with the stereotypes, and typical animes that one would start from, the ones on TV that you'd see and just think it was drawn funny. A strange attraction to the large eyes and wild hair, I suppose.
Anime is a huge part of my life, and to make a list of the ones that have influenced me would be too long. But I do have some absolute favorites, which I will list below. I began making AMV's in 2005, so I am relatively new, give me a break, seriously. ^_^;;
I have attended four anime conventions, and tend to use my ENTIRE paycheck on collecting DVD's and other memorabilia. Some call me a loser, some call me obsessed, but one can't help such things when the thing they love the most is becoming easier to obtain, don't you agree?