- User Name: xTwilightPuppetx
- Member Since: Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 7:30 PM
- Name: Rei-Deku
- Studio: xTwilightPuppetx Productions
- Homepage: http://youtube.com/xtwilightpuppetx
- Last Login: 2007-12-27 15:51:32
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (5)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2007-08-23 12:48:20
- Profile: Okay, so My name is Shannon, and Im 14. I get my 15 punches this December, and I couldnt be happier about it.lol. Most people call me Rei or Asian...yeah i know right, i guess its because Im like the only asian here.aha. Anyway, I love anime as you can tell, and makin amv's is a pssion of mine. Well, a recent passion of mine. I started about 1 months ago. But Im really happy that all the amv's Ivemade have turned out well. At least thats whut Ive benn told. o.o And if chur interseted I also edit, Ive been doing that for like a year and a half now. Im uber good at it, and I carry all my originals, so if you'd like to see any, then please feel free to ask. But thats about it for now. thanx for reading. ^.~